Council Leader Frank McAveety: "Staying in EU in interests of Glasgow"

The leader of Glasgow City Council has declared staying in Europe is in both the city and the UK's best interests.

Published 28th May 2016

The leader of Glasgow City Council has declared staying in Europe is in both the city and the UK's best interests.

Labour's Frank McAveety said he is putting his “full support” behind the Scotland Stronger in Europe campaign, which is urging Scots to vote to stay in the European Union (EU) in June's referendum.

Voters across the country go to the polls on June 23 to decide if the UK should continue to be part of the EU or not.

Mr McAveety, who leads Scotland's largest local authority, said he sees “the benefits of being part of the EU on a daily basis”.

He stated: “Much of our work to encourage business and regeneration is underpinned by European funding.

“The ties and contacts made with our European neighbours provide further benefits still.

“Another of our priorities is creating jobs in the city.

“Many of the workers' rights we enjoy - paid holidays, equal rights for part-time workers and maternity and paternity leave - are enshrined in EU law.''

He continued: “The risks and uncertainties associated with Brexit should not be underestimated.

“Uncertainty is bad for any economy, creating difficulties for public services like the NHS and education, and threatening the support and rights we currently enjoy.

“Last week, Glasgow City Council analysed a non-political paper which explored possible outcomes should the UK vote to leave.

“The cross-party consensus was clear; it is better for Glasgow and better for the UK to remain part of the European Union.

“I believe that it is in Glasgow's interests for the UK to remain in the EU.

“I therefore have no hesitations putting my full support behind Scotland Stronger in Europe.”

A spokesman for the Scotland Stronger In Europe campaign said: “It's good news that Glasgow looks like being an 'In city'.

“Being in the European Union helps deliver social justice and economic prosperity.

“Civic leaders across the parties have studied the facts and come to the clear conclusion that staying in Europe is the right choice for Glasgow and Scotland.”