Convicted rapist attacked two women in Glasgow just days after prison release

A convicted rapist attacked two women in Glasgow just days after being released from prison.

Published 30th Mar 2017
Last updated 30th Mar 2017

A convicted rapist attacked two women in Glasgow just days after being released from prison.

Raymond Dempster raped a 42-year-old woman in her home in the East End of Glasgow and then three days later pounced on a 19-year-old student in the city's West End with intent to rape her.

The 38-year-old, who has 110 previous convictions which include rape, dishonesty and violence and breaching the conditions of the sex offenders' register, denied the charges against him.

After a trial at the High Court in Glasgow he was convicted of raping the woman on June 20, 2016, and assaulting the student with intent to rape at Kelvin Walkway, Glasgow, on June 23, last year.

Prosecutor Paul Kearney said: “Mr Dempster was released from custody on June 17, 2016.”

Judge Norman Ritchie QC said: “A man with his record is simply shown the door and then within a handful of days has attacked two women.”

Judge Ritchie told Dempster: “I will be considering whether to make an order for lifelong restriction.”

The rape victim has since died, and her police statement was read out as evidence in court.

She told of how she was locked out of her home in her nightclothes and Dempster came along and at first she though he was a Good Samaritan.

But she told police: “He told me once we were inside 'you've got a nice wee flat here,' before grabbing her by the arms and pushing her into the bedroom, removing her clothing and raping her.

The court heard that Dempster bit his victim's nipples and punched her on the face during her ordeal.

He did not give evidence, but claimed that the sex was consensual.

Dempster's other victim was walking home alone in the early hours of the morning. He followed her and tried to engage her in conversation, but she ignored him.

He then grabbed her by the arms and forced her to the ground and then put his hand over her mouth.

The 19-year-old fought back kicking Dempster in the face and he fled back to the hostel he was living in.

She said: “I believe his intention was to rape me.”

The court heard that police managed to find CCTV footage which showed Dempster in the vicinity of the attack at the crucial time. His victim identified him as her attacker.

Mr Kearney said: “His modus operandi was to approach both complainers when they were alone and both were vulnerable. This was a course of conduct which took place within 54 hours."

The prosecutor said that Dempster was jailed for five years in 2003 for rape and has breached the condition of the sex offenders' register five times.”

Sentence was deferred until next month for a background report on Dempster and an assessment of the risk he poses to women.