Convicted Govan rapist jailed for life after second attack

Ranna Singh pounced on his terrified victim at a flat in Glasgow's Govan in April 2017.

Author: Kerri-Ann DochertyPublished 8th May 2019

A convicted rapist who attacked a woman after insisting it was “safe” to be with him has been handed a life sentence.

Ranna Singh pounced on his terrified victim at a flat in Glasgow's Govan in April 2017.

The pair had been at a nightclub before Singh lured the woman to his home rather than her apparently risk taking "a fake taxi" alone.

The 38 year-old was back on the streets after he and a friend raped a stranger in 2007.

Singh had denied this latest crime, but was convicted following a trial last August.

Lady Rae imposed an Order for Lifelong Restriction at the High Court in Glasgow for the attempted rape.

The judge branded him “manipulative, predatory and violent”.

She said the victim was “vulnerable” due to drink before Singh subjected her to a “prolonged and persistent” attack.

Lady Rae: “You take no responsibility for your sexual offending claiming that you were wrongly convicted here and in 2007.

“From the information before me, you have shown in the past that you are resistant to change or the need for treatment.”

Singh was also told that he appeared to blame others including victims and the police.

As well as the OLR, he will serve a minimum four years behind bars.

Jurors heard how Singh took the woman back to the flat he shared with his brother.

He was the subject of an interim sexual offences prevention order at the time.

Singh told the woman: “You are better staying at mine.”

Singh made up claims about “unlicensed taxis” and that it was “safer” going to his.

He denied any sexual contact occurred – but police found him with his trousers on back to front when they later turned up.

They were alerted when a neighbour heard the attack taking place.

During the trial, prosecutor Allan Nicol challenged Singh how they ended up at the flat.

Mr Nicol put to him: “The woman said you were talking about fake taxis taking people away. Did she just make that up?”

Singh: “Yes.”

It emerged after the verdict Singh and accomplice Mohammed Yousaff were each locked up for six years in 2007 for raping a woman in a lane in Howwood, Renfrewshire.

Prosecutors at the time branded the attack “degrading” including the victim being called “white scum”.

The woman was told: “Just do as we tell you or you are going to be murdered and put in the waterfront.”

The court heard Singh was also convicted of having a knife in 2014