Convicted Glasgow Sex Abuser Jailed For 8 Years

Published 12th Aug 2015

A convcited sex abuser from Glasgow's been jailed for eight years for attacking four young boys.

The sexual abuse by 58-year-old Alan Kerr was carried out over more than 20 years.

It came to light when one of his victims, who had tried to block out what Kerr, from Glasgow, had been doing to him, began to have flashbacks.

He then remembered being abused by Kerr and trying to scream and no sound coming as he froze in terror.

He went to the police and the other victims then came forward.

At the High Court in Glasgow Kerr admitted abusing two of the boys, The first one from 1980 to 1984 and this second victim from 1995 to 2006.

But he denied more serious sexual charges committed against two other boys and forced them to give evidence against him.

Advocate depute Kath Harper, prosecuting, said: One of the victims started to get flashbacks and these happened more and more and then the memories started coming together.

Then the other victims came to light. None of these complainers have discussed their allegations with each other.

By his own admission Kerr accepts that he abused two young boys.

He was engaged in a course of criminal conduct which involved taking sexual advantage of young boys and seeking sexual gratification from them when they were too young to understand what was happening or do anything about it.

Jailing Kerr judge Lord Glennie said: Your offences involved serious sexual behaviour against young children.

The offences were committed at various adresses in Glasgow and Stirling between 1980 and 2006.

The court heard that Kerr has previously served five years and 10 months for sexually abusing a boy and a girl.

He is on the sex offenders' register.