Coatbridge man guilty of raping sleeping schoolgirl

A Coatbridge man has been found guilty of seriously sexually assaulting a sleeping teenager.

Published 1st Nov 2017

A Coatbridge man has been found guilty of seriously sexually assaulting a sleeping teenager.

28 year-old Martin Lochrane was convicted after prosecutors called the attack “degrading and disgusting”.

The jury heard the 15 year-old was “borderline hysterical” for several hours after the incident at a house in Airdrie.

Lochrane now faces a lengthy jail-term after being found guilty of rape following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

The dad will learn his fate when he returns to the dock later this month.

The teenager recalled how she had been asleep on a sofa when she awoke to find Lochrane having sex with her.

The jury heard her sinister attacker tried to “muffle” her with his arm warning her not to tell anyone.

It was stated the girl was in an “extreme state of distress” for hours after her ordeal.

In his closing speech to jurors, prosecutor Mark McGuire said Lochlane claimed what occurred was “entirely consensual”.

But, the advocate depute went on: “If that is true, why on earth would the girl be so distraught immediately afterwards?

“Why on earth would she call her sister and parents in a state of borderline hysteria, crying and sobbing?”

Mr McGuire said Lochlane's claims were “utter hogwash” and that the rapist had given an “cynical and unconvincing” account of what went on.

He further described the attack as “deliberate, degrading and disgusting”.

Lochrane is due to be sentenced on November 30 in Edinburgh.