Clydebank man drove a car at his mum's ex over 'attack' claims

A Clydebank man's confessed to driving a car at his mother's ex partner after hearing she had been attacked by him.

Published 15th May 2017
Last updated 15th May 2017

A Clydebank man's confessed to driving a car at his mother's ex partner after hearing she had been attacked by him.

Robert Coleman, 28, was told Stephen Haggerty had “battered” Jacqueline Hartley.

An irate Coleman then drove off in his car alongside Mr Haggerty then accelerated into him, throwing him into the air.

He braked sharply throwing Mr Haggerty from the bonnet, against a nearby wall.

Mr Haggerty suffered multiple injuries including a broken arm, fractured ribs and fractures to bones in his neck.

Coleman, from Clydebank, pled guilty at the High Court in Glasgow to assaulting Mr Haggerty to the danger of his life on September 17, last year.

The court heard Mr Haggerty and Miss Hartley had been in an “on and off” relationship for 15 years and had finally separated a few months before the incident.

Mr Haggerty went to Miss Hartley's Clydebank flat and walked his ex-partner's dog.

He returned around 3pm and Miss Haggerty believed he had been drinking and he claimed he was missing money.

Advocate depute Bernard Ablett told the court Miss Haggerty alleges Mr Hagggerty threw her mobile against a wall and took hold of her handbag when she left the room with it.

He said Miss Hartley claimed Mr Haggerty pulled at the bag and she fell to the floor then called on her brother Colin Hartley who lives below.

Mr Hartley pushed Mr Haggerty out of the flat and locked the door a short time later when he walked towards it.

Mr Ablett said: “Mr Hartley telephoned his nephew, the accused Coleman, told him that Stephen Haggerty had 'battered' his mother and five minutes later the accused arrived in a silver Volkswagen Golf motor.

“Coleman entered Miss Hartley’s flat and she told him that Mr Haggerty had tried to take her handbag from her and had battered her.

“Coleman then left the flat and appeared to be angry, and drove off in his vehicle.”

Witnesses heard a loud “bang” and screeching of tyres from the street and Haggerty was found lying on the ground.

CCTV footage captured Mr Haggerty walking slowly down the street and continually turning round and talking to someone off camera.

Mr Ablett added: “As Stephen Haggerty continued on his way Coleman's motor vehicle entered camera view and drove slowly until it was almost level with the Stephen Haggerty before accelerating.

“The vehicle struck Stephen Haggerty’s leg area with the front end knocking him into the air and causing him to land on the windscreen area.

“The vehicle braked sharply and Stephen Haggerty was thrown off the bonnet and against a wall at the side of the road.”

Police found Coleman's car nearby with his fingerprints on the driver's door.

He was later arrested and made no comment when charged.

Mr Haggerty underwent surgery on September 19 to repair the broken bone in his right arm.

The court heard the medical evidence indicates that the injuries were “serious and potentially life threatening”.

It was said on behalf of Coleman that it was “out of character” and it was an “exceptional case”.

Judge Lady Scott deferred sentence on Coleman until June 12 at the High Court in Edinburgh.