Clydebank dad accused of attempted murder says the baby 'fell'

William Robertson told a paramedic he was woken by the sound of her falling from a sofa bed, a court was told today.

Author: Kerri-Ann DochertyPublished 8th Nov 2018
Last updated 8th Nov 2018

The man accused of attempting to murder a nine-month-old baby told a paramedic he was woken by the sound of her falling from a sofa bed, a court was told today.

Paramedic Christine Rennie was giving evidence at the trial of William Robertson who denies attempting to murder the baby at his flat in Jean Armour Drive, Clydebank, on September 9, last year, by fracturing her skull.

Ms Rennie told the High Court in Glasgow she spoke to Robertson at his mother's house in nearby Robert Burns Avenue where he had taken the baby.

She said: “He said he was looking after the baby. He said the noise of her falling had wakened him up. He said she had fallen on to her forehead with her legs up.”

The paramedic added: “I found it strange that the baby had no clothes or nappy on and she had been taken from one house to another and it was a cold night.”

However when asked by defence QC Donald Findlay if she thought there was something odd that Robertson went to his mother's house for help, she replied: “I never said that.”

Another paramedic Grant Kilpatrick said that Robertson told him that he said he heard a thump and saw the baby upside down off the couch as if she was doing a scorpion kick in football.

The jury heard that when paramedics arrived in answer to a 999 call the baby was lying naked on a towel on the sofa.

Mr Kilpatrick was asked by prosecutor Greg Farrell: “Did she have any injuries to her face,” and he replied: “Yes some dried and some fresh blood on her nose and mouth area, lines, marks across her cheek. I don't know what caused them, but I have a suspicion.”

He added: “There was also swelling to her forehead and there was a large swelling at the back of her head. The baby was lying very still. She was awake was very, very quiet and not responding to us or her surroundings.”

The court heard that Robertson travelled with the baby in the ambulance to hospital.

The paramedics said that Robertson appeared upset and kept asking if she was going to be alright.

Robertson is also accused of being unfit to care for the baby because he had taken alcohol and smoked controlled substances. He is also alleged to have had cannabis in his possession on September 8, last year.

A consultant paediatrician told a jury that a nine-month-old baby had a significant skull fracture.

Dr Katherine McKay of the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow was giving evidence at the trial.

The jury at the High Court in Glasgow heard that Dr McKay, who has been a consultant paediatrician for 23 years, examined the baby on September 11, last year, at the hospital.

She told prosecutor Greg Farrell: “The child had extensive facial injuries and a swelling at the back of her head. A CT scan was done in the middle of the night when she was admitted and showed a significant fracture,

“It wasn't just on one part of the skull. It had extended round to two bones on the side of the head.”

The jury was shown photographs of the baby which showed bruising to her forehead and face.

Dr McKay said: “The baby had significant bruising. I've never seen this type of bruising before.''

Robertson denies all the charges against him and the trial before Judge Norman Ritchie continues.