Cladding tests on Renfrewshire tower blocks

The council is checking records which show it's not the same type as on Grenfell Tower are correct.

Published 29th Jun 2017

The cladding on five Renfrewshire high rises will be taken off and tested today, following the devastating fire at Grenfell Tower in London earlier this month.

The local authority says all 14 of its buildings are up to code, and the extra checks on the older blocks are just a precaution

"Specialist contractors are carrying out additional on-site surveys, removing cladding panels to test these against our records" - Cllr Marie McGurk

Councillor Marie McGurk, Convener of Renfrewshire Council's Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board, said: “Since the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in London, we have been carrying out inspections of all 14 Renfrewshire Council-owned high rise housing blocks. I can confirm that all blocks in Renfrewshire comply with Scottish Building standards and fire safety requirements.

"No cladding on any of our high rise blocks is made of the same material used on Grenfell Tower. Nine blocks have been re-clad in the last five years and the materials used are designed to inhibit the spread of fire.

"Checks of the building warrant records of the five remaining blocks at George Court, Gleniffer Court, Maxwellton Court, Nethercraigs Court and Provost Close, show that these blocks also comply with Scottish Building standards and have robust fire safety measures in place.

"Specialist contractors are carrying out additional on-site surveys, removing cladding panels to test these against our records. We are writing to residents to inform them of these surveys and residents will also receive letters with the outcome of these surveys as soon as they are available.

"All of our high rise housing blocks have a range of fire safety measures in place including dry risers and fire hydrants, smoke vents fitted in stairwells and all individual flats are fitted with a smoke detector and one-hour fire retardant doors.

"These measures are serviced and tested regularly. Our housing concierge and caretakers conduct daily checks in each of the blocks and quarterly fire safety inspections are carried out by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

"Once the London fire investigation is completed, we will work closely with the Fire Service on any further action that is required."

If any resident has any further concerns, please contact the Housing team on 0300 300 0222 and press option 1