Castlemilk man admits sex attack on young girl

A sex attacker raped a young girl during an eight year campaign of abuse.

Published 26th Apr 2018
Last updated 26th Apr 2018

A sex attacker raped a young girl during an eight year campaign of abuse.

Jason Reilly preyed on the child starting when she was just four.

The attacks occurred at a flat in Glasgow's Castlemilk between 2001 and 2009.

The girl's mum later learned of the abuse and confronted Reilly.

She told him: “You will be expecting a visit from the police.”

The first offender is now behind bars after he pled guilty to rape as well as a charge of lewd and libidinous behaviour.

A judge remanded him in custody at the High Court in Glasgow pending sentencing next month.

Prosecutor Stewart Ronnie told how the girl was “crying” as Reilly molested her.

She once described him as “minging”.

The rape occurred at a time between 2008 and 2009.

After Reilly was later challenged by the girl's mum, he went on to admit to a friend what he had done.

He was held in 2017 and told police: “I know what I have done is wrong, but you cannot go back.”

Reilly, also of Castlemilk, was today/yesterday placed on the sex offenders register.

Lord Mulholland told him: “You have pled guilty to two very serious charges.

“Be under no illusion, this will result in a prison sentence of some length."