Cash for Kids raises almost £1.5 million helping 50 thousand children

Published 24th Dec 2015

Thousands of disadvantaged children across Glasgow and the West will have a different day this Christmas after Radio Clyde's Cash For Kids raised nearly £1.5 million.

Altogether 50,769 vulnerable and disabled kids have been supported this year with over 30,000 given special grants as part of our annual Mission Christmas appeal.

Chairman of Cash for Kids Lord Jack McConnell is thanking everyone who donated over the past year:

The generosity of our listeners will give those children and their families a better Christmas with some warm food, heating and maybe even a small gift.

Thousands of people across Glasgow and the West have donated to this appeal and taken part in fundraising events like Christmas Jumper Day and sponsored triathalons.

Lord Jack McConnell added: "On behalf of everybody and, especially, on behalf of the 30,000 children we've helped this Christmas and the 50,000 we've helped over the year I want to thank all of the listeners, community activists and corporate sponsors who've helped us raise nearly £1.5 million in 2015.

"It's been a spectacular outcome. Real help need in our communities and delivered by Cash for Kids"