Carer tells court of 'fear factor' towards woman accused of sister's murder

Lynnette and Shayla Greenop would allegedly 'side against' Sharon, 46

Published 16th Apr 2018

The sister and daughter of a woman they allegedly killed would “side against” her, a court heard.

A former carer of Sharon Greenop made the claims as she also told a jury how she reported concerns to her bosses.

Lynnette Greenop, 40, and Shayla Greenop, 20, are accused of murdering Sharon at their home in Troon, South Ayrshire.

It is claimed the 46 year-old was assaulted on various occasions between September 8 and November 10 2016.

Jacqueline King told the High Court in Glasgow how she was one of the carers who looked after Sharon.

The mum was disabled following an accident in 2009.

Sharon initially stayed at the house with her daughter Shayla. Lynnette later moved in.

Asked did things change, Miss King said: “It was very much Shayla and Lynnette against Sharon.”

Prosecutor Ashley Edwards QC then put to the witness: “They would side with each other against Sharon?”

Miss King: “Yes.”

Miss Edwards: “What would happen at meal times?”

She replied: “Shayla and Lynnette would have a Chinese, and Sharon would be sitting waiting for us to come in.”

The advocate depute went on to ask was there an issue about furniture in the house.

Miss King said: “The table that Sharon used to do jigsaws on was thrown out. She was upset.

“She felt her life was getting taken over and she had no say.”

Miss Edwards: “Sharon spoke to you about the table being thrown out?”

The witness replied: “Sharon felt that was her only enjoyment and she did not want it taken away.”

However, Miss King – who now works as a nursing assistant – said she did not see the table being ditched.

Miss Edwards also asked Miss King how she got on with Lynnette.

She replied: “I would not have said anything bad to her.”

Asked why, the witness said: “A fear factor there.”

Miss Edwards: “On your part?”

Miss King: “Yes...the way her attitude was. It was just the fact that you were going into someone's house and hearing shouting, swearing and general carry on.”

The former carer also recalled “abusive slogans” on the walls and that house being “filthy”.

Miss Edwards: “Did you report what was happening in the house to your manager?”

Miss King agreed she did.

The murder charge alleges Sharon was repeatedly struck with “object or objects” and had her neck compressed.

It is said injuries were also inflicted “by means unknown” and that there was a failure to obtain medical help.

Sharon is stated to have been so severely hurt that she died.

The two accused – who both live in Ayr, South Ayrshire – deny all charges.

The trial, before Lady Carmichael, continues.