Campaign Launched To Tackle Child Abuse

Renfrewshire Council urging public to raise concerns. Appeal comes after tragic death of Paisley toddler Declan Hainey in 2010.

Published 19th Jan 2015

A new £30,000 public awareness campaign is being launched to urge people in Renfrewshire to call the council or Police Scotland if they are worried about a child. The campaign is funded by Renfrewshire Council. The ‘No harm done’ campaign features advertisements on local radio, in pubs and clubs, on bus shelters and on Renfrewshire Council vehicles. Andrew Lowe, the Independent Chair of Renfrewshire’s Child Protection Committee said, “This campaign should make people stop and think about what they have seen or heard. We know that good people often worry about a child but don’t do anything about their concerns. “Sometimes it’s difficult to know what to do. Sometimes we don’t know who to call. Sometimes we’re not sure if what we’re seeing is something that we need to worry about. Sometimes we are worried but we dismiss it because someone else will do something about it. Sometimes we just don’t want to get involved, or cause problems with family, friends or neighbours. “But at the root of these concerns is a child’s safety. It is hard for many people to accept but the person looking after a child is the one most likely to neglect or abuse them. If we are worried about how someone is behaving in public, we must ask, ‘What are they like behind closed doors?’ “If you are at all worried about a child, please contact social work services. If you think a child is in danger, call the police. It won’t do any harm and you don’t even need to give your name. But your call might make all the difference to a child. Maybe you feel that what you know isn’t important but snippets of information can build into a bigger picture of abuse or neglect. It's everyone's job to make sure children in Renfrewshire are safe.” If you’re worried about a child call:

•    Social Work 0300 300 1199 •    You can also phone Police Scotland on 101 or 999.