Cambuslang man jailed for two attempted rapes

A Cambuslang who tried to rape two women within the space of 40 minutes has been jailed.

Published 17th Aug 2018

A Cambuslang who tried to rape two women within the space of 40 minutes has been jailed.

35 year-old David McGurk admitted attempting to rape them on November 2, last year.

He told police when caught: “I don't know what happened. I go crazy on red wine. How are the two girls. Is that me going on the sex offenders' register.”

The two incidents took place within five miles of each other between 11pm and 11.40pm.

At the time McGurk was under supervision after being given a three-year community payback order in 2015 following an assault on a woman with a knife.

At the High Court in Glasgow judge Lady Rae told McGurk: “Both women were strangers to you and both offences were committed within an hour of each other. The attacks were violent in nature, though fortunately each woman was able to fight you off.

“However, their experience at your hands must have been frightening and traumatic. These offences

were committed while you were under supervision.

“I consider you present a serious risk to the public, and mainly to women.”

The court heard that McGurk, who has a number of complex mental health issues, has concerning behaviour towards women and had also began to access pornography – some of which depicted sexual violence.

Lady Rae placed McGurk on an order for lifelong restriction – which is similar to a life sentence.

He was given a punishment sentence of 26 months, but told by Lady Rae he will only be released when the Parole Board for Scotland is satisfied he no longer presents a danger to the public.

She told McGurk: “It will be very important that you co-operate with all the people trying to help you and are honest with them. That will be the best way to protect the public in the future.”

Solicitor advocate Ali Murray, defending said: “He has no intention of attacking a woman again and no intention of drinking alcohol again.”

McGurk's first victim, a 28-year-old woman, was walking her dog and talking to a friend on the phone when he approached her at 11pm and said 'hello.'

She took no notice, but then became aware of someone running behind her.

She was dragged to the ground and McGurk ripped her upper clothing and touched her breast.

The woman began to scream and McGurk put his hand over her mouth and ordered her to be quiet.

She managed to scratch McGurk's face and draw blood. At one point she begged him: “I won't tell anyone, please let me go,” but McGurk continued to hold her and struggle with her.

At one point he lost his grip and she ran off.

His second victim, a 23-year-old woman, was attacked by McGurk as she walked back from buying a takeaway at around 11.40pm.

She noticed the accused in front of her and as she passed him said: “Hiya, are you out for a walk tonight.'

McGurk replied: “Am following you” and smacked her on the right cheek with his left hand.

He then grabbed her breasts and tried unsuccessfully to pull her to the ground.

She managed to run away and asked the concierge at a nearby block of flats to phone the police.

McGurk was placed on the sex offenders' register. He showed no emotion as he was led away to begin his sentence.