Call for car sightings after Thornliebank rape

Police in Glasgow are investigating a sex attack near to Eastwood Crescent, Thornliebank.

Published 6th Dec 2016

Police in Glasgow are investigating a sex attack near to Eastwood Crescent, Thornliebank.

Officers have today released images of a vehicle that is of significant interest to the investigation.

The vehicle has been identified as a Ford Fiesta that is light coloured, possibly silver. The vehicle was observed in Kilmarnock Road, Shawlands, around midnight on Sunday 4 December and in the early hours of Monday 5 December 2016, where two 18 year old women were seen to enter the car before it made off.

The vehicle was later seen on Carnwadrick Road, Thornliebank, Glasgow.

The driver of the vehicle is described as being of either Asian or Eastern European appearance, aged between 30 -40 years, with dark hair and eyes and at the time, he was wearing a dark coloured t-shirt.

Detective Inspector Graeme McLachlan at the Greater Glasgow Public Protection Unit said: “Our enquiries into this incident are continuing. We are keen to trace both the driver and the vehicle as it is believed that this may result in information that can assist the police with this investigation.

“I would like to speak to anyone one was in the vicinity of Kilmarnock Road, Shawlands, between midnight on Sunday 4 December and the early hours of Monday 5 December, who may have seen a light coloured Ford Fiesta in the area.

“Anyone who has any information that could assist our enquiries is asked to contact the Greater Glasgow Public Protection Unit via 101 or alternatively Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.

“Although this is an isolated incident, I’d like to remind people of a few simple safely steps that they can take to help ensure a safe, festive night out in Glasgow: If you’re coming into the city for parties or to meet friends for drinks, stay with your friends, charge your phone and make sure you know how you are getting home. Plan ahead- book your taxi in advance, use tried and trusted taxi companies or get a friend to pick you up. If you’re having a drink or two, be sensible - ensure you are aware of what you are doing, where you are going, and who with. Have fun, but above all, stay safe.”

Anyone who has concerns about their personal safety, or information about any criminal activity, is asked to call Police Scotland on 101; in an emergency always call 999. Alternatively people can pass information anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111.”