Boy sexually assaulted at bus terminus in Clydebank

The man attacked him on Chalmers Street just before 11.30pm on Monday - he then got on board a number 60 bus.

Published 4th Jun 2020

A 15-year-old boy has been sexually assaulted at a bus terminus in Clydebank.

The man attacked him on Chalmers Street just before 11.30pm on Monday - he then got on board a number 60 bus.

Detective Sergeant Bernadette Wall said: "The boy was shocked but physically unhurt by the incident. He moved away from the man and watched him and leave the area.

"We are keen to trace the man, described as black, 5ft 10 inches in height, aged in his late 20's, foreign accent but spoke English.

He was wearing a black baseball cap, a grey spotted t-shirt with white on the shoulder, dark coloured bottoms, earring within left ear and carrying a black backpack with a water bottle within the side compartment which was wrapped within a plastic bag."
