Blood spots matching Sharon Greenop's DNA found on walls of home in Troon

Lynette and Shayla Greenop deny murdering the 46-year-old in 2016

Published 23rd Apr 2018

A forensic scientist has told a murder trial that blood spots matching the DNA of 46-year-old Sharon Greenop were found on a wall beside her bed and on a mattress protector at her home in Troon.

James Hawkins told the High Court in Glasgow that he visited the Greenop's home along with a pathologist and police officers while Sharon's body was still in the bed.

He examined the bedroom for bloodstains.

Mr Hawkins told prosecutor Ashlie Edwards that a small piece of body tissue with clotted blood and a single hair on it was also discovered in Sharon's bedroom. This also matched her DNA.

Referring to the bloodstains Mr Hawkins told the court: “In my opinion this could be explained by Sharon Greenop having been repeatedly struck whilst bleeding and lying on the bed.”

Defence QC Frances McMenamin, representing Lynette Greenop asked Mr Hawkins: “You can't say when that blood or DNA was deposited,” and he replied: “No, that's not possible.”

The jury heard that the rest of the house was also examined for bloodstains and none was found.

Earlier the trial was told police found a web search for "Scotland serial killers" during their investigation into Sharon’s death.

Officers also discovered checks for "Peter Tobin" and "Peter Manuel".

There was further research online for how long "the integrity of a crime scene" is kept.

They were found after Sharon Greenop’s remains was discoved at her home in Troon in November 2016.

Her sister Lynnette Greenop, 40, and her daughter Shayla Greenop, 20, are accused of her murder.

It is claimed the mum was assaulted on various occasions between September 8 and November 10 2016.

The High Court in Glasgow heard police examined two Samsung phones during the probe.

The jury was previously told Shayla had earlier handed over a mobile voluntarily.

Police Scotland's Cyber Crime Unit carried out checks on phones including what had been accessed online.

The trial heard there had been an internet search for "Scotland serial killers".

A check of the web history further revealed a number of sites had been looked.

This included a search on Wikipedia for "Peter Manuel".

Amongst other names were "Peter Tobin", "Robert Black" and "Archibald Hall".

A further check was "list of serial killers by number of victims".

Other searches included: "how long is the integrity of a crime scene kept" and "how long to complete an adult adoption".

The murder charge alleges Sharon was repeatedly struck with “object or objects” and had her neck compressed.

It is said injuries were also inflicted “by means unknown” and that there was a failure to obtain medical help.

Sharon is stated to have been so severely hurt that she died.

The two accused – who both live in Ayr, South Ayrshire – deny all charges.

The trial, before Lady Carmichael, continues.