Black heavy metal musician attacked in Glasgow city centre for being "a goth".

Author: Clyde NewsPublished 27th Jun 2018

A black heavy metal musician's telling us how she was attacked twice on Saturday night by the same gang in Glasgow city centre.

Carys Serries was walking to her flat from a charity gig she was hosting at Ivory Blacks near the Four Corners on Argyle Street when the gang of four girls and a boy started shouting 'goth' at her - this was around 10.30pm.

The mechanical engineering student kept walking down Midland Street but says she the next thing she felt was a thud on the back of her head and then she was on the floor, being kicked in the head.

The attack stopped after a taxi driver pulled up to help her, but then they came back to continue the attack.

"They were kicking in the head again full force, all five of them", she told us. "The taxi driver sped off and just left me. Eventually they slowed down and I managed to get back up and fled back to Ivories."

She's been left with concussion and severe bruising, and is calling for a much heavier police presence in the area. She told Clyde News it isn't the first time she's been attacked because of how she looks and dresses.

Carys, who plays bass in metal band Dal Riata, said: "Being a black metalhead it makes me a target... I've been threatened numerous times and at Four Corners I've had two people jump me and attack me. There a lot of problems there. There should be more police".