Bellshill family threatened by gunman

Police think it may be a case of mistaken identity

Author: Bekki ClarkPublished 27th May 2018

A Bellshill family’s been threatened by a gun-wielding man in their own home.

Around 9.30pm on Friday 25th May, a 60 year old man and 58 year old woman were sitting within their home in Garfield Avenue when they heard a knock at the door.

The woman answered the door to a man, who was dressed in black with a balaclava, pointing a handgun at her.

The man made his way inside and an altercation ensued with the householders.

The couple’s 29 year old daughter and her 30 year old partner were also upstairs at the time and came down to assist.

The suspect then made off from the house and headed along Garfield Avenue and onto Garfield Drive. He was last seen in Orbiston Drive.

Detective Sergeant Lorraine Wilson from Wishaw CID said: “This man barged into a home where two young children were asleep upstairs and threatened the occupants with a firearm.

“Thankfully nobody was injured but it is absolutely vital that we trace this reckless individual and extensive enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident.

“At this time we have no information to suggest why this home was targeted, and the possibility of mistaken identity is a line of enquiry.

“It would still have been daylight at the time of the incident and I would appeal to anyone who was in the area and may have noticed a man dressed in black acting suspiciously to please get in touch.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Wishaw CID via 101, quoting incident number 4827 of Friday 25 May 2018. Alternatively you can call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where details can be given in confidence."