Beating The Jet Lag...

Published 19th Oct 2015

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Summer is over but that doesn’t mean your travel plans have to be!

Wherever you’re thinking of going, you’ll be sure of one thing after a long-haul flight… for many, “sun” would be the first answer, they’re not wrong, but we’re talking about the dreaded, unavoidable and holiday-jeopardising jet lag.

How can something make you both shattered and unable to sleep at exactly the same time?!

We’re sorry to say we can’t provide you with a cure, but we’ve collected some fantastic pointers to help you deal with the frustrating after-effects of flying around the globe.

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!Things to do 1. Extra zzz’s

 Just like a long distance runner stocks up on carbohydrates before a race, make sure you get at least 41 winks before a big flight. If you’re well rested, you’ll definitely feel the benefit. Pair a well-rested body with good wholesome food and sufficient hydration and you’ll be laughing all the way!

!Getaways 2. Movement

 Not everyone enjoys a mad dash to the departure gate with a few minutes to spare, so more often than not you’ll be waiting a good few hours to board your flight. To help shake the airport lethargy, keep active in the airport – walk about, race around on the bag trolleys (without getting told off), do jumping jacks, see who can hold a plank for the longest, etc.  Don’t knacker yourself, but keep moving! 

!Food & Drink 3. Snack

 What constitutes as “good snacks” could be hotly debated, but to keep healthy energy levels up, we’re talking nuts, dried fruit, rice cakes, oat cakes and fresh fruit. Wholesome sources of energy are far better than a quick fix of caffeine, refined sugars or heavily salted crisps. On the day of your journey, give yourself some good fuel before you set off – fruit, vegetables, lean protein and carbs will help you beat the fatigue. 

!Health & Beauty 4. Tea?

 We British enjoy kicking off our holidays with a well-deserved drink, but do yourself a favour and save it for the beach! Replaced caffeinated or alcoholic drinks with herbal or green teas and plenty (and we mean plenty) of H20. Your body will thank you for it and return the favour by ticking over nicely throughout the journey. 

!Goodies 5. Get up and about

 There are only so many films you can watch, so many chapters you can read before you start getting restless on a long flight. The solution is simple – go for a little wander! Planes are quite big really, so go exploring. Make friends with the hostesses, they might be more inclined to give out some free bread rolls! 

!Goodies 6. Get tired before sleeping

 Don’t be tempted to take a nap after a long journey if the day is still young – save it all for a good night’s sleep to get properly synced up with the time zone your destination. To beat sleepiness, go for a swim or explore the nearby sights – a quick refreshing white with spritzer or lager wouldn’t go amiss either!

Stop the effects of jet lag and begin enjoying your holiday – book yours now with Clyde 1 Escapes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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