Ayrshire man jailed for raping young girl almost 30 years ago

A man who got a 12-year-old girl drunk and then raped her almost 30 years ago was jailed for eight years.

Published 9th Dec 2016

A man who got a 12-year-old girl drunk and then raped her almost 30 years ago was jailed for eight years.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that 60-year-old Jeffrey Aitken also sexual abused one of his victim's school friends.

Judge Lady Rae told 60-year-old Aitken: “These are very serious charges.

“This was an appalling rape of that child when she was aged 12 or 13 after you got her drunk.

“Your victim is now a woman in her 40's and what happened to her has been lasting and life-changing,

“You have expressed no remorse or shown any compassion or consideration for that lady.”

Aitken was convicted of attacking his young victim after trial.

He took advantage of the girl – who was aged around 12 at the time – at a house in Symington, South Ayrshire.

Aitken struck on occasion between 1988 and 1990 – but was snared years later when a relative of the victim vowed to “name and shame” him.

He was found guilty of rape and a separate charge of lewd and libidinous

Aitken, of Stevenston, Ayrshire, was also convicted of the indecent assault of another teenage girl between 1989 and 1993.

The rape charge Aitken was convicted of included the accusation he did “induce” the girl to take alcohol causing her to “lose consciousness”.

He escaped justice for decades until one of the victim’s family confronted him around two years ago.

Aitken recalled: “She said she would name and shame me and get her day.”

The victim herself was said to have later challenged him. She told Aitken: “You abused me and you know you did it.”

The pervert denied in court ever confessing to anyone that he attacked either girl.

Prosecutor Lisa Gillespie later put to Aitken he was “a predator” and that he was attempting to “slither out” of the allegations, but he denied this.

His defence counsel Paul Nelson told the court that Aitken's wife and step-son are standing by him.

Mr Nelson added: “His position is one of denial these offences ever took place.”