Ayr man guilty of brutal attack on friend

Arthur Tait's victim was only saved when passing police officers heard her screams

Published 6th Nov 2018
Last updated 6th Nov 2018

An Ayrshire man brutally attacked a woman – after threatening her: “I will skin you alive”.

Arthur Tait, 36, held Lynsay Cooper in his flat, leaving her so scared she tried to smash a window to get help.

A judge heard she even cut herself hoping Tait would let her out to go to hospital.

But her ordeal only ended when passing police heard her screams.

Tait went on to insist it was a bleeding Miss Cooper, 35, who attacked him.

Tait was remanded in custody after he admitted abducting and assaulting the woman to her injury in July this year.

It emerged he was jailed for six years in 2006 for terrorising an ex-partner including setting fire to her leg.

Tait faces another lengthy prison term when he is sentenced next month.

The attack happened at Tait's flat in Ayr.

The High Court in Glasgow heard Miss Cooper had stayed overnight there before going to visit a friend.

But, Tait later turned up demanding she “get her f***ing stuff” from his home.

Prosecutor Martin Richardson QC said Miss Cooper was “confused” at this, but reluctantly agreed to return.

It was soon back at the flat Tait pounced and began punching his friend.

He then got a frying pan containing leftover cooking oil and poured it over her.

Mr Richardson said Tait branded her “a w***e” and “threatened to skin her alive”.

The victim managed to flee to the bathroom – and then used a razor to cut her own arm.

Tait initially seemed to agree she had to go to hospital.

But, Mr Richardson said: “He grabbed her and told her she was not going anywhere.”

Miss Cooper – described as “terrified” - ended up using a toothbrush holder to smash a window to yell for help.

As Tait landed more blows, police were in the area on another matter. They then went to the thug's flat after hearing Miss Cooper's cries.

When they turned up, Mr Richardson explained: “Arthur Tait said Miss Cooper had attacked him.”

This was despite the victim lying in the flat “covered in blood”.

Tait was arrested, but insisted it was “lies”.

He went on to be abusive to security staff after being brought to Ayr Sheriff Court the next day.

He yelled at one guard: “I will see you outside, you fat b**.”

Tait also made a “slashing” gesture across his cheek.

He continued ranting: “I am going to get you and your family. I will stalk you.

“You don't know what I am capable of.”

The thug was then “aggressive” to police when they stepped in.

Tait also pleaded guilty to acting in a threatening and abusive manner in connection with this incident.

Lord Burns deferred sentencing for reports.