Fans arrested over Pittodrie disorder

Published 4th Mar 2019
Last updated 5th Mar 2019

Six people have been arrested following violent scenes at the Scottish Cup quarter-final between Aberdeen and Rangers at Pittodrie.

Police say five men and one woman will be reported to the procurator fiscal after "disorder-related offences and the use of a pyrotechnic device'' at Sunday's game which ended in a 1- 1 draw.

Officers said they are also aware of an incident in which seats were thrown by both home and visiting supporters towards opposing fans.

Inquiries are being carried out into the matter.

Match commander Superintendent Richard Craig said: "I would like to thank the vast majority of supporters from both clubs who heeded our advice and behaved responsibly today.

"However, it is disappointing that a very small minority of fans chose to ignore the warnings and were in involved in disorderly behaviour.

"They have let themselves and their clubs down.

"Disruptive behaviour in and around football matches in Scotland will not be tolerated and those who choose to conduct themselves in such a way will be firmly dealt with.''

The force had earlier urged supporters attending the Scottish Cup quarter-final to enjoy the match and behave responsibly.

Rangers bosses had urged fans ahead of the match not to give detractors "a chance to criticise'' their behaviour during the clash.

The match ended in a 1-1 draw, meaning the clubs will contest a replay at Ibrox Stadium in Glasgow on March 12