Appeal for information after Thornliebank high school torched

Two teenage boys were seen climbing on to the roof of Woodfarm High School, Robslee Road

Published 18th Feb 2017

There’s an appeal for information after a fire was started at a school in Thornleibank, Glasgow, on Friday 17th February 2017.

Around 10.30pm last night, two teenage boys were seen climbing on to the roof of Woodfarm High School, Robslee Road and started a fire which has caused extensive damage to the building.

They are described as white, between 15 and 18 years of age, and wearing dark clothing. One is believed to have had a grey hooded top on.

Detective Constable Stephen Walker, Govan CID, said today:

“The youths are seen on CCTV climbing up the side of the building and then on to the roof where they deliberately start a fire. They are then seen on Robslee Road, where they are joined by another male, watching the Fire Service attend to put out the blaze.

“Thankfully, no one was injured in the fire which has caused significant damage to the roof and the top floor of the school.

“These youths have absolutely no regard for their own safety nor the property or the cost or disruption their actions have caused. Indeed they appear to stay in the area to watch as emergency services attend to deal with the fire.

“There are a number of homes near the school, thankfully, not affected by the fire, but it may be the case that neighbours saw the youths on the roof or hanging about the area either prior to or afterwards.

“If you did see anything or have information that will assist officers with their enquiries then please contact the CID at Govan Police Station via 101, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where details can be given in confidence.”