Appeal after car stolen in Torrance

Detectives are appealing for information after a housebreaking and theft of a vehicle in Torrance in the early hours of this morning.

Published 22nd May 2018

Detectives are appealing for information after a housebreaking and theft of a vehicle in Torrance in the early hours of this morning.

Around 3.05am on Tuesday morning, a 33 year-old man was threatened by a man who had broken into his home in Maitland Drive, Torrance. The suspect then made off in the householders grey Audi S3 Quattro.

The 33 year-old man was uninjured but badly shaken as a result of the robbery.

The vehicle was last seen around 3.20am in the Summerston area of Glasgow.

The man responsible is described as white, 6ft 2 inches in height and of slim build wearing black clothing.

Constable Claire Cunningham of the Community Investigation Unit based at Helen Street Police Office said: “We have been carrying out enquiries in the local area this morning, and officers have also been in the Summerston area where the vehicle was last seen.

"CCTV footage is being viewed to gather more information that will assist our enquiries.

“At this time, I would urge anyone in the Torrance area who may have seem someone acting suspiciously, or out of the ordinary in the early hours on Tuesday morning to come forward.

“I would also ask anyone who has any information on the whereabouts of the grey five-door Audi S3 with the registration number SB66 XDR, or seen a car matching that description parked in north Glasgow, to contact the Community Investigation Unit at Helen Street Police Office through 101 quoting reference number 0292 of 22nd May.

"Alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.