Thousands expected to attend anti-racism protests in Scotland

London protests
Published 7th Jun 2020

Thousands of protesters are expected to gather in Edinburgh and Glasgow for Black Lives Matter rallies.

The demonstrations against police brutality follow the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Although people are being urged not to break lockdown and attend, Police Scotland have said they are allowing the events to take place and will use common sense'' when policing the rallies.

By Sunday morning, more than 9,000 people had expressed an interest in attending the Edinburgh In Solidarity With BLM event in Holyrood Park on Facebook.

Organisers say the site has a socially-distanced maximum capacity of 5,456 people, or up to 10,900 if all attendees are two-person households.

More than 13,000 have expressed an interest through Facebook in attending the protest in Glasgow being held on Glasgow Green.

Attendees have been asked to wear face coverings, bring water and follow social distancing rules, with organisers of both rallies stressing that they should be peaceful demonstrations.

Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said on Friday that Police Scotland have a duty to allow safe and peaceful protest.

Asked what he has told his officers ahead of the protest, in light of the abhorrent'' scenes of police brutality in America, Mr Livingstone added:What I expect from the police officers in Police Scotland is a continuation of what we've seen over many years, but particularly in the last number of weeks and months and that's working with the people of Scotland.

We'll act with courtesy, we'll act with empathy.

We understand some of the hurt and anger that's felt.

We will ensure that people get to have their voices heard, but crucially, vitally, as many, many people have encouraged people to do, do that in a way that is safe, that doesn't allow the coronavirus to spread.''

Leading Scottish politicians, including First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf, have urged people to take part in virtual anti-racism protests, rather than attend in person and risk the spread of coronavirus.

Mr Yousaf is due to speak as part of an online rally organised by the STUC calling for justice for Sheku Bayoh who died in police custody.

The virtual protest, on the fifth anniversary of Mr Bayoh's burial, also aims to highlight the racism experienced by black and ethnic minority people in Scotland.

Speakers at the rally will include Kadi Johnson, Sheku Bayoh's sister, Aamer Anwar, lawyer for the Bayoh family, Scottish Labour MSP Anas Sarwar, and Usman Ali, chairman of the STUC Black Workers Committee.

Speaking at the Scottish Government's coronavirus briefing on Friday, the First Minister said she may have attended anti-racism demonstrations in Scotland in the wake of Mr Floyd's death in the US, were it not for the risk of spreading coronavirus.

She said: I want to urge you to make your voices heard (in support of Black Lives Matter), we all feel very strongly about this, but I want to ask you do so safely.

In normal times I may well have been planning to join a gathering of support this weekend but coming together in mass gatherings right now is simply not safe.

It poses a real risk to health and poses a real risk to life.''