Anger over video showing teenager attacked outside Galston school

The footage has gone viral on social media after the incident yesterday.

Published 2nd May 2018
Last updated 2nd May 2018

A video is circulating social media appearing to show a teenager attacking another boy.

The incident happened yesterday near to Loudoun Academy outside Galston.

In the video, The 13 year-old boy cries out as he is repeatedly hit by a 14 year-old boy and pushed over a fence.

A spokesperson from Police Scotland said, "We can confirm an investigation was launched on wed 2nd may after police received a report of a 13 year-old being assaulted in Galston.

"As a result of enquiries carried out, a 14 year-old boy will be subject to an early and effective interventions warning"

Worried parents have since taken to social media to express their anger and horror at the video.

Linda McAulay-Griffiths from East Ayrshire Council said: “I can confirm that an incident took place involving two pupils from Loudoun Academy and that a video was posted on social media of the incident yesterday.

“Prompt action has been taken by the school who have been working closely with the families of both pupils and with our partners within Police Scotland.

“The video, which has now been taken down, was distressing to watch and I entirely understand the concern of parents, carers and our young people.

“I would like to reassure parents and carers that we are working with the school to ensure that any pupils affected by this incident are fully supported.”