Almost Hundred SPX Workers Face Redundancies

Almost a hundred workers at SPX in Glasgow are facing redundancy.

Published 12th May 2015

Almost a hundred workers at SPX in Glasgow are facing redundancy. Clyde Union Pumps says it's due to the challenging business environment and because existing projects have been delayed. The staff at will find out within the next 30 days if they are to be paid off. The company issued a statement saying: "Due to a challenging business environment and current market conditions we are experiencing delayed decisions to proceed with large value projects particularly in the Oil and Gas sector. "As a result our Clyde Union facility in Glasgow needs to adjust and “right size” its business whilst maintaining its cross functional skills to support its current product portfolio, backlog and growth market areas. "As part of this process, SPX has entered into formal redundancy consultation with both Trade Union and employee representatives in Glasgow. "Over the next 30 days, SPX intends to formally consult with Trade Union and employee representatives regarding the company’s plans to reduce its Glasgow facility headcount by approximately 90 positions across various functions. "Following this assessment period, all impacted employees will be notified and provided with outplacement support services."