All schools in North Lanarkshire to be stocked with free sanitary products

The move, which will come into effect after the summer break will include primary, secondary and additional support needs schools

Sanitary Products
Published 28th Jun 2018

All schools in North Lanarkshire will be stocked with free sanitary products after the summer break in a bid to tackle period poverty. In what is understood to be a first for any local authority in Scotland, pupils attending primary, secondary and additional support needs schools will have free access to the products.

Cllr Frank McNally, Convener of Education, said: "It is totally unacceptable that women and girls struggle to access adequate sanitary products simply because they cannot afford them. By ensuring the provision of free products within every school - and hopeful of expanding this to other areas of the council - we are committed to breaking down the barriers associated with period poverty.

"This rollout will benefit pupils in over 150 schools across North Lanarkshire and is one of a number of initiatives aimed at helping our communities deal with the real impact of poverty.

“We are also expanding our breakfast club provision, our innovative Club 365 programme provides free food and activities for eligible children during the holidays and at weekends, and we have significantly increased the level of footwear and clothing grants to one of the highest in Scotland.”

North Lanarkshire Council is also looking at ways to extend the scheme universally to other establishments including leisure centres, libraries and community centres.

The council-funded pilot scheme is the result of ongoing research being carried out by a working group set up to explore ways to support families affected by poverty, looking at issues including school uniform, health and wellbeing, homework and out of schools learning and school trips.

The council will explore further opportunities to extend the project to other facilities.