Accused on trial for the second time for murder of Surjit Singh Chhokar in Wishaw

A jury was told that Ronnie Coulter is on trial for the second time for the murder of a 32-year-old restaurant worker in 1998.

Published 9th Sep 2016

A jury was told that Ronnie Coulter is on trial for the second time for the murder of a 32-year-old restaurant worker in 1998.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that Coulter, 48, from Wishaw, was tried and acquitted of murdering Surjit Singh Chhokar in 1999.

These facts came out as defence QC Donald Findlay questioned Mr Chhokar's former partner 56-year-old Elizabeth Bryce.

Coulter denies murdering Surjit Singh Chhokar – who was known by everyone as Chhokar - in Garrion Street, Overtown, North Lanarkshire Mr Chhokar on November 4, 1998.

He has lodged a special defence blaming his nephew Andrew Coulter and David Montgomery.

Mr Findlay asked Ms Bryce, who was giving evidence for the third day in the trial if Ronnie Coulter was sitting in the dock alone when she gave evidence in March 1999, and she replied: “Yes.”

Mr Findlay then said: “So there was no Montgomery in the dock and no Andrew Coulter,” and Mrs Bryce replied: “No.”

The QC went on: “At the time of that trial Ronnie Coulter was acquitted of the charge of murder wasn't he,” and she said: “As far as I know, yes.”

The jury was then told that Ms Bryce also gave evidence in 2000 and Mr Findlay said: “This time there was no Ronnie in the dock. It was Montgomery and Andrew Coulter,” and she replied: Uhu.”

Mr Findlay then produced the original indictment against Coulter in which he was charged of stabbing Chhokar, along with others unknown.

The jurors were also shown the indictment for the trial in 2000.

Prosecutor Alex Prentice QC asked Ms Bryce: “Did you give evidence at two trials,” and she rpelied: “Yes.”

Mr Prentice then asked: 'Mr Ronnie Coulter stood trial and was acquitted, is that correct,” and Ms Bryce replied: “Yes.”

He then said: “David montgomery and Andrew Coulter stood trial on the second occasion and they were acquitted, is that correct,” and Ms Bryce said: “As far as I know.”

In evidence Ms Bryce said that she was contacted by police in August 2012 as part of an investigation into the death of Chhokar.

Coulter denies the murder.

He also denies forging a £100.70 Giro cheque and breaking into Mr Chhokar's flat and stealing a cooker.

The trial before judge Lord Matthews continues.