Accused tells slavery trial allegations have been a 'nightmare'

James McPhee told jurors: 'How can they be so evil making these stories up when I have helped them?'

Published 2nd Feb 2018

A dad-of-ten accused of abducting and beating men who worked for him claims the allegations have been a 'nightmare'.

James McPhee told jurors: 'How can they be so evil making these stories up when I have helped them?'

He was giving evidence at his trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

The 45 year-old along with Robert McPhee (65) and John Miller (38) face more than 20 charges between them.

The accusations - which span between 1992 and 2016 - include slavery and violence.

They deny all the allegations.

McPhee - a member of a family of travellers - told how he started working for himself from the age of 17.

His business involved jobs such as slabbing and mono-blocking driveways.

His QC Derek Ogg quizzed him about allegations made by men he employed including James Keith and John Anderson.

Both claimed earlier in the trial they had suffered at the hands of McPhee.

This included accusations Mr Keith was assaulted and made to feel like 'a bit of property'.

Amongst claims made by Mr Anderson, he said he was kept naked in a shed, made to eat dog food before left fearing he was going to be set on fire.

But, McPhee, of Larkhall, South Lanarkshire, insisted accusations against him were 'ludicrous'.

He told Mr Ogg: 'It is the biggest fantasy. I cannot believe how I helped these people, be good to them and they make up these lies about me.'

McPhee said Mr Keith had been homeless when he first met him in the 1990s - and that he 'felt sorry' for him.

But, the dad told jurors: “The stuff that came out of his mouth (in court), I am gobsmacked.

'I do not know where he gets his fantasies. It is a nightmare.'

He also said allegations were 'like something out of a movie' and that he was 'horrified' at claims he had made workers fight each other.

McPhee told the court men like Mr Keith and Mr Anderson were 'street people' and would not be treated like they allege.

He said: 'This just did not happen. I have so much to say and let it out...the lies they have told.'

The trial, before Lady Stacey, continues.