A promise of action on student mental health from Scottish Government

Author: Hope WebbPublished 4th Feb 2019
Last updated 4th Feb 2019

Scotland's Mental Health Minister says the Scottish Government plans to introduce 80 new counsellors to university's across the country by Autumn.

The Scottish Government previously promised the extra support for students in September 2018.

It comes after our investigation obtained figures showing the mental health services on offer across Scotland's 15 universities ranges from 4 free counselling sessions to unlimited drop-ins.

Here's a full list of what free services the universities offer:

Aberdeen - No limit - but "depends of availability"

Abertay - Maximum of 12 counselling sessions

Dundee - 6 counselling sessions

Stirling - 6 counselling sessions

Strathclyde - 6 counselling sessions

Glasgow Caledonian - 6 counselling sessions

Glasgow - Up to 10 counselling sessions

Heriot Watt - Unlimited counselling and drop-in sessions

Napier - 5 counselling sessions

Queen Margaret - "Minimum of 4 counselling sessions"

Robert Gordon - 6 counselling sessions

St Andrews - Unlimited but "no long-term support"

University West of Scotland - Could not provide information

Edinburgh - Up to 10 counselling sessions

University of Highlands and Islands - "Does not hold information"

In total all 15 universities spend ÂŁ2,776,528 annually on mental health support for students, and employ over 65 members of staff.

Now, Mental Health Minister Clare Haughey has told our Chief Reporter Hope Webb that the Scottish Government plans to have 80 new counsellors in place by this Autumn.