97% of disability hate crime 'unreported' in Scotland

97% of disability hate crime never makes it to the Police.

Published 29th Feb 2016

Disability hate crime in Scotland is still not being reported enough, with latest statistics from Mencap and Quarriers charities showing that 97% of this type of crime never makes it to the Police.

Most recent figures released by Police Scotland and Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service showed that reports of hate crimes towards disabled people increased by 270% between 2011 and 2015.

Despite this increase, it is believed to be far more common than figures suggest and still remains largely under-reported compared to other forms of hate crime.

The WAR on Hate Crime campaign which was launched by Quarriers a year ago, aims to raise awareness of bullying and harassment towards disabled people in the community, highlighting its status as a crime, and encourages members of the public to speak up against such behaviour.

Alice Drife, Quarriers Chief Executive, said: “Quarriers is dedicated to eradicating hate crime in Scotland and our ‘We Hate Bullying: It’s a Crime’ production is a powerful way of conveying the vital message that we are all responsible for speaking up on acts of bullying and harassment against those with a disability or any other member of society. It is a crime and members of the public should have the confidence to report it or condemn those who behave in such a way.

“The cast in today’s drama are all people who have experienced shocking hate crimes and to have them tell their stories to the audience is a real testament to their bravery, and also demonstrates the urgency and necessity behind anti-hate campaigns.

“We are calling upon the public to listen to and share our message, as we strive to get as many people as possible to pledge their support for WAR on Hate Crime.”

Inspector Nadine Aliane said, "Nobody should be made to feel unsafe in their own community or tolerate abuse because of a disability, their sexual orientation, their transgender identity, religion or ethnicity. Police Scotland has been working in partnership with a number of charities and agencies to raise awareness of this type of crime and indeed, the increased level of reporting is testament to the increased confidence by victims to report any incidents to us.

"We welcome the work that is being carried out by Quarriers to raise awareness of hate crime."