93 Year Old Assaulted in Own Home

Published 25th Jun 2015

A 93-year-old woman has been assaulted and robbed in her own home.

Police Scotland said the pensioner was attacked in the early hours of today.

She was woken and assaulted by a man in her home in Argyle Road, Saltcoats, North Ayrshire, at around 2am.

She was not seriously injured but police described it as a "distressing incident''.

Officers said the man, who fled the scene, is in his early 20s with dark hair and a local accent.

Detective Inspector William McDicken said: "This was a very distressing experience for this elderly lady and it is important that we trace the man responsible as soon as possible.

"I would like to appeal to anyone who may have any information as to who is responsible.

"This person needs to be apprehended as he has preyed upon a vulnerable lady within her own home, I would like to reassure the community that crimes like this are rare.

"We all must do all we can to trace this man as soon as possible.

"Any information you may have, no matter however small you feel it is, may make all the difference.''