750 tonne section of HMS Prince of Wales lifted into place

the Aft Island has been put in place at the Rosyth dockyard where the warship is being assembled

Published 8th Jan 2016

A 750-tonne section of the the Royal Navy's second flagship aircraft carrier has been lifted on to the deck of the warship.

The Aft Island, which will control aircraft operations aboard HMS Prince of Wales, was put in place at the Rosyth dockyard in Fife where it is being assembled.

The section arrived at the base last month after a journey of more than 1,300 miles.

It set off from BAE Systems' shipyard in Glasgow 10 weeks ahead of schedule on December 10, sailing around the south of England and up to the east of Scotland on a barge.

The ship is the second of the new Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers to be built for the UK after the 65,000-tonne HMS Queen Elizabeth.

They are the largest British warships ever constructed and can be used for a range of military activity from war fighting to providing humanitarian aid and disaster relief. The ships have been constructed in blocks at yards across the UK and are being put together at Rosyth.

They are said to be the first aircraft carriers in the world to use an innovative twin-island design. The Aft Island is responsible for the ship's mission systems and acts as an aircraft control tower.