53 Police stations across Scotland could be put up for sale

Published 1st Nov 2017

53 police stations in Scotland are earmarked for sale in the latest round of cuts - and 10 of them are across Glasgow and the West.

The list includes offices in Pollockshaws and Uddingston.

But you'll be able to have your say on which ones should stay and which ones should go - as a three month consultation is being launched today.

However Police Scotland's reassuring us the vast majority of stations are empty or soon will be and most people prefer to contact officers by social media or phone.

Deputy Chief Officer David Page, said: "Police Scotland inherited a large estate from the legacy forces, which was developed over many years to respond to the challenges and risks during that time.

"However, as Policing 2026 has demonstrated, the demands and risks facing policing have changed significantly over the years and will continue to do so.

''This includes how local communities contact us and engage with us, with an increasing preference to use the telephone and internet, including social media, rather than attending a police station.

''Yet, despite these changes, our estate has largely been unchanged and it was therefore right that we reviewed our estate, in line with the objectives of our Estate Strategy and Policing 2026.

"The review of our estate was carried out to ensure that it is fit for purpose, reflects the changing nature of policing and can support service delivery to local communities.

''Local Policing Commanders were significantly involved in the review, as they are best placed to understand the local needs of their respective divisions."

Mr Page continued: "We are now consulting with local communities, partners and stakeholders on the potential disposal of some of our police premises.

''The vast majority of these premises are empty and are not use as a permanent base for police officers or police staff.

''No decisions have been made in relation to any of the premises, we want to capture the thoughts and opinions of our staff, partners and those in our communities before any decisions are made.

"Today we have launched an online consultation survey which gives the public the opportunity to learn more about the premises being considered for disposal and have their say on the future of these premises.

''To support the online survey, officers from Local Policing Divisions will be personally engaging with local communities and partners to provide them with further information and to encourage them to take part in the consultation.

"I would encourage as many people as possible to participate in the consultation.''