5 of the best celebration dances on the internet

Some inspiration for our next Cash Call winners!

Published 8th Sep 2015

We've heard some great celebrations on Clyde 1 Cash Call but how are our winners celebrating when we can’t see them? Check out five of the best celebration dances to give you some inspiration if you're our next winner...

1. Obama's Victory Dance This may not be the actual President of the USA but it's still a funny video.

2. Ice Hockey This is better than an episode of Dancing on Ice.

3. Ping Pong celebrated in style One of the most intense moves of the competition.

4. Chandler from Friends He shows off in style.

5. Football Celebrations We particularly love the guy who went to see his gran!

So that's how they celebrated, what would you do if you won with Clyde's Cash Call?

Cash Call runs from Monday 22nd August until Friday 9th September, for your chance to win register for free here!

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