3 Men in Hospital after Double Attempted Murder and Serious Assault in Easterhouse

Published 26th Jul 2015

Police say they hunting for a group of people responsible for a double attempted murder and a serious assault in Glasgow.

Three men were attacked early this morning in the Easterhouse area of the city.

The trio, who 29, 36 and 55 years old, had been making their way along Dunskaith Street to Lochdochart Road, when they were approached and assaulted by a gang of youths.

All three men have been taken to hospital with stab wounds.

The attacks on the 29 year-old and 36 year-old are being treated as attempted murder, while the attack on the 55 year-old man is being treated as serious assault.

Detective Inspector Frank Clarke from Greater Glasgow Division is appealing for information. He said today: “Our enquiries are at an early stage into this incident. At this time we believe that between 0400 and 0430 hours this morning the men were making their way from Dunskaith Street to Lochdochart Road in Easterhouse when they were assaulted by a group of youths. “Officers are currently carrying out door to door enquiries in the local area and gathering CCTV footage in an effort to gather more information on the circumstances, the exact location of each attack and those responsible.” “I would urge anyone who was in the area between 0400 and 0430 hours this morning, who may have seen or heard anything suspicious to contact police. “I understand that the public may be concerned about this incident, and would like to assure them that everything is being done to trace whoever is responsible as a matter of urgency. “Anyone with information that may assist police enquiries should contact Police Scotland on 101. Alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.”