More than 3 drivers a day still ignoring phone laws in Glasgow and the West

More than three drivers a day are still being caught using their mobile phones behind the wheel in Glasgow and the West.

Published 31st Jul 2017

More than three drivers a day are still being caught using their mobile phones behind the wheel in Glasgow and the West - despite tougher rules introduced in March.

The findings of a Radio Clyde investigation show hundreds of motorists are still flouting the law and risking lives by taking calls or answering messages whilst driving.

A total of 424 drivers were caught in our broadcast area between March 1st and June 30th this year.

In March, police detected 112 offences; just weeks after rules were tightened to include six penalty points and a £200 fine for anyone who was caught; 45 of those were in Glasgow City Centre

Michael McDonnell from Road Safety Scotland said: “68% of Scots have seen someone texting behind the wheel and 90%of Scots have seen someone usuing their phone in some sort of way behind the wheel.

“It’s obviously something we continue to do and that needs to stop.

“Psychologist who study brains will tell you no one can actually do two things at the one time.

“If we are phoning someone and we realise they are in their car or driving, you need to tell them to hang up and tell them you will call them back.

“It would be hard to know if you were sitting at home and they were in a crash if you speaking to them was a contributing factor to that crash.

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s your phone or your radio or a Sat Nav, anything that distracts you from the principle task of driving… you just shouldn’t do it."