255 Caught in Drink-Driving Push

A total of 255 motorists have been caught driving under the influence in the past three weeks under Scotland's new lower legal limit.

Published 30th Dec 2014

A total of 255 motorists have been caught driving under the influence in the past three weeks under Scotland's new lower legal limit. The latest figures show a 27% drop in the number of people behind the wheel while under the influence of drink or drugs, with 348 caught over the same period last year. The change in the law reduced the legal alcohol limit from 80mg to 50mg in every 100ml of blood from December 5. Police Scotland stopped and breathalysed 13,346 people between December 8 and 29. Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Higgins said: "This equates to nearly 640 drivers being breathalysed each day. "It is heartening, therefore, to see a reduction in the total numbers of drivers who are drinking before getting behind the wheel, the fact that 255 people have still chosen to do so, and in doing so have put themselves and others needlessly at risk, is still entirely unacceptable in my view. "There is no doubt that the new limit, and what it means, is challenging a lot of people and we shall continue our efforts throughout the season and beyond to make sure that we reinforce the 'don't risk it' message, prevent deaths and collisions, and make our roads safer.'' Road Safety Scotland and the Scottish Government have been running a campaign throughout the festive period warning motorists not to drink at all if driving. Justice Secretary Michael Matheson said: "Drink driving is completely unacceptable and puts innocent lives at risk. "Our advice is simple. The best approach is to have no alcohol at all if you are intending to get behind the wheel of the car. Alcohol at any level impairs driving.''