£21,000 worth of illegal tobacco seized in Glasgow

They were found hidden in a stereo speaker, boxes, and behind shop counters when officers visited various shops in the city.

An operation to disrupt the sale and supply of illegal tobacco in Glasgow uncovered more than 50,000 cigarettes and 6.15 kilos of hand-rolling tobacco, all believed to be illicit.

The suspect goods worth more than £21,000 were found hidden in a stereo speaker, boxes, and behind shop counters when officers visited various shops in the city.

Around 25 officers from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), with support from Glasgow City Council’s Trading Standards and Police Scotland visited 25 retail premises across Glasgow on Thursday 9 March.

The visits, as part of HMRC’s Tobacco Taskforce activity, led to suspected illegal tobacco products being seized from 9 premises.