£2 million boost for project targeting lung and pancreatic cancer

he funding will allow scientists from Glasgow and Leicester to examine how a specific protein complex, called eIF4F, is involved in helping cells grow, multiply and survive.

Published 16th Nov 2017

Scientists in Glasgow have been awarded almost £2 million to look into new ways to treat lung cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Professor Jim Norman and Professor Owen Sansom from Glasgow's Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute have been given a Programme Award from Cancer Research UK to carry out the ground-breaking research.

The funding will allow scientists from Glasgow and Leicester to examine how a specific protein complex, called eIF4F, is involved in helping cells grow, multiply and survive.

Understanding the role of this protein complex, they hope, could help them develop new drugs to target it and stop tumours growing in patients with lung, pancreatic or bowel cancer.

Professor Jim Norman, deputy director of the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, said: “These cells and the proteins they produce make up the 'scaffold' that holds tumours in place.

“It's this scaffold that makes pancreatic and lung tumours so difficult to treat because it makes it hard for drugs and the immune system to get to the tumours to be able to destroy them.

“We want to find out if by blocking eIF4F, we could stop tumours from growing. If by preventing the stromal cells from making proteins the tumours need to build this protective scaffold, it becomes easier to destroy them.”

Cancer Research UK Programme Awards provide long-term support to scientists to carry out research that will help them better understand cancer and bring benefits to cancer patients.

Matt Kaiser, Cancer Research UK's head of discovery research, said: “Pancreatic and lung cancers are an important strategic focus for Cancer Research UK because they are notoriously hard to treat.

“That is why we have committed to increase investment in these cancers, where survival remains low.”

Victoria Steven, Cancer Research UK's spokesperson in Scotland, said:

“To ensure we make a real difference in hard-to-treat cancers we only fund the best research, as determined by international experts.

“So this 2 million award is fantastic recognition of the world-leading research being carried out by Professor Norman, Professor Sansom and their team at Glasgow's CRUK Beatson Institute."