17% Drop In Drink Driving Offences

Published 29th May 2015

Drink-driving offences fell by 17% in the first three months of the year, new figures have shown.

The drop in January to March follows the introduction of a lower drink-drive limit in December which means one drink could put a motorist over the legal limit.

The number of offences fell to 997 from 1,209 over the same period in 2014, according to police data.

Police Scotland warned that they will continue to stop and breath-test a driver every two minutes this summer as they launched their annual drink-drive crackdown.

Chief Superintendent Iain Murray, head of road policing, said: "Police stop more than 20,000 Scottish drivers a month. That's one vehicle every two minutes.

"If you have committed an offence, or if we have reasonable cause to suspect that you have been drinking, you may be subjected to a breath test.

"Even if you're just over the limit, you're still a drunk-driver in the eyes of the law - there is no grey area.

"This may affect your current and future employment, and can have wider implications for other areas of your life including overseas travel, even just for family holidays. If you drink and drive, you won't just spoil summer."

Justice Secretary Michael Matheson, said: "Since the introduction of the new lower drink-drive limit six months ago, Scotland is starting to see a real change in behaviour.

"The 17% reduction in drink-driving offences indicates that Scottish drivers are avoiding alcohol when they are driving.

"Fewer drink-driving offences is a positive story for Scotland and shows that we're leading social and legislative change in the UK.

"We're urging Scots to take care this summer and to remember it's safer to avoid driving if you've consumed alcohol."