12 year old girl assaulted in Shotts

Detectives are continuing enquiries after a 12 year old girl was assaulted on Wednesday.

A 12 year old girl was walking along a footpath at the rear of Inverkip Drive, Dykehead in Shotts just before 9am, when a man approached her and grabbed her arm. The girl kicked the man and managed to run off. She was uninjured but has been left badly shaken by the incident.

The suspect ran off in the direction of Dyfrig St. He is described as white, aged between 18 and 23, around 5 ft 7 inches in height, with a slim build. He was wearing a black jacket and black trousers, possibly jogging trousers, and a black beanie hat.

Officers have been carrying out door-to-door enquiries in the area in an effort to gain additional information. Officers will also be gathering CCTV footage for review.

Detective Inspector Kenny Dalrymple said:

“It’s imperative we locate this man and I am appealing to people in the local community to consider if they heard or saw something yesterday morning. At that time of the morning, people may have been getting ready to go out, perhaps to buy newspapers, take children to school or make their way to work, so you may have noticed something unusual or you may have seen the suspect running off. If you have any information, please do contact us and pass it on.

“I’m aware that this matter will be of concern to local people and I would like to reassure everyone that additional police officers will be on patrol in the area and anyone with any concerns can speak to these officers.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Detectives at Wishaw Police Office via 101 quoting incident number 1109/26. Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.