10 meals you can cook this date night

If you're looking to wow your date with some home cooking then look no further, we've put together a list of date worthy meals right here!

Published 7th Jul 2016

First thoughts for dating is to eat out, but why not try cooking for your date, saving some pennies and being in the comfort of your own home? That way no one needs to worry about what to wear or where to go, and it can still be romantic and fun.

Here are some of our suggestions for date night meals that you can prepare in advance, and still wow that special someone with:

Thai Green Curry

Sounds fancy, but it’s actually pretty simple – plus with that fancy title they’re bound to be impressed!


This is a great go-to date food as you can prepare the whole thing in advance and just pop it in the oven when your date arrives.


These are a great idea on a first date as they take minimal cooking time, and once prepared they’re fun to eat and give you something to do.

Create your own pizza

Again, this is a really fun food. If you prepare the dough in advance, put some toppings in bowls then you and your date can put whatever toppings you choose on there, you know they’ll like it and it’s super simple!

Stuffed Peppers

These are great for a starter or with some salad and potatoes to make a main meal. Preparation is minimal but the overall effect is scrumptious.

Stir Fry

Simple, easy and whilst adding a touch of culture for an overall tasty date.

Steak and salad

You can’t go wrong serving steak – prepare the salad in advance, cooks in minutes and you’ve got some posh nosh fit for royalty.

Pesto, Feta and Sundried tomato pasta

There’s something about pesto that makes you think it’s a special ingredient, all you need to do is cook and drain some pasta, pop in a few dollops of pesto then serve with feta and tomatos on top – great if you’re looking for something light.

Chicken wrapped in bacon

Here’s another easy one (are you starting to see a theme here?) that you can prep in advance, chicken breast with some soft cheese spread on top and wrapped in bacon, leave it in the fridge and just pop it in the oven when your date comes knocking.

Salmon with asparagus and new potatoes

If your date is a foodie then this minimalist meal is sure to hit the right spot, you could even serve with salad and have an asparagus sauce instead.

If you want to find someone to treat with your new found culinary expertise, then head to Clyde 1 Dating and sign up for free today!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------