Amazing 'parent hacks' that could help you save time and money

You'll be surprised at how simple some of these ideas are.

Being a first time parent can be a daunting experience for many, so 'Muddled Up Mummy', a 'first time mummy' on Facebook has been blogging her experiences.

Below are some of the best tips she's discovered and shared with her online audience.

Younger kids

When your kids are young then having a spare bib close at hand can be a saviour. Adding a simple stick-on hook to the back of the high chair will mean there's no more searching in a bag or your clean washing for a bib when you really need one.

Haven't got a playpen? Then get a large box to contain adventurous kid. Make sure they have plenty of space though.

Older kids

Sometimes giving kids pens near your furniture and walls can be a bad idea, but did you know that you can remove the ink with toothpaste?

Make sure kids learn about not wasting toilet paper by giving them a length they can use, once the paper reaches the line they've got enough!

And while they're in the bathroom make sure they don't get locked in by mistake by tying an elastic band over the lock.

Once your kids have grown up a little they'll obviously want to use the sink, but sometimes their little arms just aren't long enough, so try out this 'parent hack' by adding half a bottle to the tap.

If you're kids complain of being bored there's always something for them to do with these 'activity sticks'.

Learning left and right can take a while so help them along with a simple sticker in their shoes.

And for all those games that need dice, this is the perfect way to make sure that none of them go missing.

More than one kid

It can get confusing with more than one child, especially if they're similar in ages or tastes so this is a great method to quickly work out whose clothes are whose.

Have you got any similar hacks? If you let us know!

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