Greener and cheaper ways to get to your favourite festivals

Festival season has begun!

Published 2nd Jun 2016

Festival season has begun!

While the cost of the ticket is probably the most expensive single purchase when it comes to festivals, travelling to the festival often comes a close second.

Gone are the days of jumping in your car and racking up a few hundred miles while it guzzles the expensive fuel before your eyes. These days there are plenty of ways to get to your favourite festivals cheaper. These cheaper methods are probably greener as well and you might even make a few friends along the way.



Going by coach is a growing trend with companies such as Big Green Coach providing ticket and travel packages for a number of festivals. Coach travel is available from various points across the UK travelling to festivals in the UK and beyond.

Not only is it good for the environment, you get to meet some other festival-goers on the way and start the party early. These coach services will also take you directly to the festival, so there won't be any trudging through fields full of cars to get to the all important entrance.


Travelling by train can be a great way to beat the traffic, it gives you a chance to chat with your friends and make new ones on the train, more importantly after the festival you can relax without one person having to be the designated driver. However, don't get caught out when you get to the station at the other end, make sure you have a taxi or shuttle bus booked to get you to your final destination.



Whild booking flights if often only considered for flying abroad it can also be worth considering for those festivals in other parts of the UK. Booking far in advance can be a good way to travel long distances for a festival and save time while you're at it. Of course you should always make sure you have the correct dates and your passport is up to date as well. As with trains you will still have the issue of getting from the airport to the festival itself so make sure you have sorted that out in advance.

Car Share

If you live off the beaten track then driving might be your best option, but you could still save money by filling it up your car with other festival-goers. You can share the cost of fuel and parking and it is a good way to make some new friends.

Websites such as GoCarShare and Festival BUDi are great ways to find people travelling to the same festival as you so check them out, remember to always follow the guidelines.

Photo credit: iStock