5K Minute - Wednesday 8th August

WSD 5K Min
Author: Callum BellPublished 8th Aug 2018

Q. What is the name of the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world?

A. Mensa

Q. Gary Player & Arnold Palmer are both retired professionals in which sport?

A. Golf

Q. A Kettle & A Jug are both types of which musical instrument?

A. Drum

Q. Which motorway connects Edinburgh & Stirling?

A. M9

Q. Phil Knight is one of the founders of which global sports brand?

A. Nike

Q. What is 56 divided by 8?

A. 7

Q. Which actor has starred in Jurassic Park, Gandhi & The Great Escape?

A. Richard Attenborough

Q. What is the largest country in the world by Area?

A. Russia

Q. In which century was the Battle of Waterloo?

A. 19th Century (1815)

Q. Name any of the 2 Olympic Swimming Strokes?

A. Freestyle / Breaststroke . Butterfly / Backstroke