5K Minute - Wednesday 7th August

Clyde 1
Author: Callum BellPublished 7th Aug 2019

Q. In business, what does CEO stand for?

A. Chief Executive Officer

Q. Complete this phrase: Don’t cry over spilt…

A. Milk

Q. Which country was fashion designer Louis Vuitton from?

A. France

Q. What is the name of the area between Pakistan & India which is currently under dispute?

A. Kashmir

Q. In what decade did the TV show Blue Peter begin?

A. 50s (1958)

Q. What is the name of the cricket tournament currently ongoing between Australia & England?

A. The Ashes

Q. In computing, what does the I in ISP stand for?

A. Internet

Q. Which Glasgow & the West Park will host the World Pipe Band Championships this month?

A. Glasgow Green

Q. According to the bible, Gold, Frankincense and what else were given as gifts to Jesus by 3 wise men?

A. Myrrh

Q. In shipping, what does the ‘HMS’ before the name of a boat stand for?

A. Her Majesty’s Ship