5K Minute - Wednesday 4th November

5k Minute
Author: Callum BellPublished 4th Dec 2019

Q. Korma & Chasni are both dishes traditionally from which country?

A. India

Q. Scotsman Alan Wells won Gold in the Olympics in which distance of race in 1980?

A. 100m

Q. Kofi Annan & Ban Ki-moon have both held which position?

A. Secretary General of the United Nations

Q. Who was married to Tom Cruise from 1990-2001?

A. Nicole Kidman

Q. Admiral Nelson was killed during which famous Battle?

A. Battle of Trafalgar

Q. What is 35% of 200?

A. 70

Q. In food, what does GM stand for?

A. Genetically Modified

Q. What is the Capital City of Romania?

A. Bucharest

Q. In Snooker, how many points would you get for potting a red and the blue?

A. 6

Q. Which Scottish beer company is based in Ellon, Aberdeenshire?

A. Brew Dog