5K Minute - Wednesday 31st May

Published 30th May 2017

Q. Simon, Jay, Will & Neil are the main characters in which British comedy?

A. The Inbetweeners

Q. Hummus is a dip usually made from which kind of mashed pea?

A. Chickpea

Q. Albany is the state capital of which US State?

A. New York

Q. Which team won the FA Cup on Saturday?

A. Arsenal

Q. Who did Eminem collaborate with on the 2001 song ‘Stan’?

A. Dido

Q. What is the name for the raised enclosed platform located inside a church where the speaker stands?

A. Pulpit

Q. Which French Impressionist painted the picture ‘Poppy Field’?

A. Monet

Q. The West Indies are a team that compete in which sport?

A. Cricket

Q. What is 99 divided by 3?

A. 33

Q. Danny O’Donaghue is the lead singer of which Irish band?

A. The Script